research metodology an finding

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1. The Problems
They are many problems that accurate in teaching English. At no other time in life does the human being display such enthusiasm for learning, for living, for finding out. Life long attitudes appear to be format early. It is at this first stage of learning English that foundation for what may be a life-long interest in English language can be laid.
2. Problem Limitation
What the children learn is abstract knowledge of ruler or competent.
3. The purpose of Research
This research aims to find out whether students' motivation has a significant correlation with the English speaking performance. By quantitative research, the writer the conclusion can be gathered from the data taken from the real situation and conclusion.
1. Place and Time of Study
The research of this study was held at "TERPADU" Junior High School, which is located in settlement of village of Celingcing Tanjung Priuk North Jakarta. It was begun by doing observation to the school on December 17 2007, and then the research instrument was prepared from 14 2007.
From December 17-19 the research was held, for four meetings consist of presenting of lesson and giving test. After data was collected, the writer begins to analysis them.
The writer chose "TERPADU" Junior High School as research object, considering some follow reason:
 "TERPADU" Junior High school has been constantly committed in language teaching for almost 11 years since its establishment in 1997 with thousand of students. This fact shows its capability and credibility to help people learn English well.
 In addition, the writer chose intermediate level 2 student as the object research considering some follow reasons; According to the " TERPADU" junior high school curriculum, the students considered that they have learned mostly English theoretical such as grammar, listening, writing, and speaking. The writer only chose the level 2 student based on the writer's limited resources and the reason of efficiency.
2. Population and Sample
a. Population : The number of population in this study are 35 student every class.
b. Sample : As stated before that the number of population from both classes are 35 student. Based on table Morgan that if the population is less than 100 samples, the whole samples become the object of research as samples
3. Techniques of Data Collecting
There are two instruments used to get the data represent the two variables, they are the speaking test and the motivation scale that is called as a questionnaire.
a. Speaking test
Moreover, according to TERPADU junior high school, there are two types of speaking skill test that are loosely structured and highly structured speaking skill test. because of the efficiency, the writer choose the loosely structured speaking skill test to be used as the instrument tool.
b. Measuring the Interview
The interview was relied on the lesson that the student have takes:
Lesson 1: Life Long Education
Speaking : Retelling various development at each stage in life.
Grammar : Review of tenses
Lesson III : Overseas Student
Speaking : Playing roles of
Grammar : Infinitives of Purpose
In this process of collecting the data, the writer employed some requirement to get the data objectively that were
1. The interviewer prepares the topics
2. The interviewer prepares a special oral-rating sheet.
3. The interview has one or more interview
4. The Kind of Research
The writer used the following step collect data:
1. Observation
We visited at " TERPADU" Junior high school Celingcing Tanjung Priuk To research the student of second year, an English teacher, and the English teaching- learning process in the classroom.
2. Interview
The writer gives some question to them about methods, technique, and approaches used, the time children want to learn, is abstract knowledge of rules or competence.
3. Experiment
The research was done in one class in second class where the student are given the material which they need. So, the student learn as they hoe and nee in teaching- learning process.

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